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of Irreproducible Research!

Author's title

Author*The author of this computation has been verified*
R Software Modulerwasp_cronbach.wasp
Title produced by softwareCronbach Alpha
Date of computationWed, 07 Dec 2016 15:06:29 +0100
Cite this page as followsStatistical Computations at, Office for Research Development and Education, URL, Retrieved Tue, 18 Feb 2025 23:09:49 +0000
Statistical Computations at, Office for Research Development and Education, URL, Retrieved Tue, 18 Feb 2025 23:09:49 +0000
QR Codes:

Original text written by user:
IsPrivate?No (this computation is public)
User-defined keywords
Estimated Impact84
Family? (F = Feedback message, R = changed R code, M = changed R Module, P = changed Parameters, D = changed Data)
-       [Cronbach Alpha] [cronbach alpha on...] [2016-12-07 14:06:29] [bd7223969ac5b08f41438741a34686d6] [Current]
Feedback Forum

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Dataseries X:
2	2	3	4
4	2	1	4
4	2	5	4
4	3	4	4
3	4	3	3
4	3	2	5
1	4	4	4
4	2	5	4
3	NA	5	2
4	4	3	4
2	2	2	4
4	2	2	3
4	5	4	3
5	4	4	4
4	2	4	4
1	3	5	4
2	1	2	5
4	1	NA	NA
4	3	2	4
5	4	4	4
5	5	4	4
4	5	4	4
1	1	5	4
4	4	3	4
2	2	4	4
4	4	3	4
5	4	3	3
3	3	3	3
5	4	5	5
3	2	4	4
5	2	4	4
2	4	3	4
1	2	3	4
NA	4	5	1
4	2	3	3
4	4	3	4
3	3	3	4
5	3	5	5
4	4	3	4
NA	2	3	4
4	3	3	4
2	2	4	3
3	4	3	4
1	2	1	5
3	2	4	4
3	3	4	3
3	3	3	3
4	NA	4	5
4	4	4	4
4	5	5	1
4	4	4	4
4	4	4	4
2	4	3	4
5	2	2	4
3	2	4	3
3	1	3	4
4	3	3	3
4	4	3	4
4	3	4	2
3	3	4	4
4	2	3	4
4	3	4	4
4	2	5	3
4	4	2	4
4	3	3	3
2	2	3	4
4	4	3	3
4	5	4	4
4	4	3	4
4	3	4	4
4	2	3	4
5	3	1	3
3	4	4	3
2	4	3	2
4	4	2	4
5	5	3	5
4	4	3	4
5	4	4	5
5	4	5	2
2	3	3	4
4	2	4	4
4	4	2	4
4	4	2	4
3	4	2	5
4	2	3	4
2	2	4	4
5	1	3	4
3	NA	5	4
4	4	4	1
2	4	4	4
4	4	3	4
3	3	4	3
3	4	3	4
4	4	5	4
4	4	4	3
4	2	4	3
3	4	3	4
4	4	4	5
3	1	1	3
3	4	4	4
1	2	4	3
4	3	4	4
3	3	4	5
3	4	4	3
5	3	3	4
5	4	5	4
4	4	3	NA
5	4	5	5
4	4	4	4
4	5	4	4
4	5	4	5
4	2	4	3
3	1	3	3
4	3	4	3
3	3	3	4
4	1	3	4
2	4	3	4
1	4	3	4
5	2	2	4
4	4	4	4
3	3	3	3
4	4	2	4
4	4	4	5
4	2	4	4
4	2	3	3
2	4	4	4
4	4	5	4
4	2	4	3
4	2	NA	3
4	2	4	4
3	2	4	2
4	5	4	4
5	2	5	3
2	NA	2	4
5	2	4	4
4	4	4	4
3	5	5	4
NA	4	4	3
2	4	4	2
2	3	5	5
2	3	2	3
4	1	4	4
4	4	5	4
5	5	3	4
3	4	4	5
3	4	4	4
4	5	3	4
4	4	5	3
4	5	5	1
4	5	3	4
4	3	2	5
4	5	4	4
4	1	5	4
2	3	3	4
5	2	3	5
4	2	4	4
4	NA	3	4
4	4	2	4
4	2	3	4
4	5	3	4
2	4	4	3
3	5	1	5
3	3	4	3
4	2	3	4
4	4	3	4
4	2	2	5
4	3	3	4
3	3	3	4
3	2	5	2

Summary of computational transaction
Raw Input view raw input (R code)
Raw Outputview raw output of R engine
Computing time0 seconds
R ServerBig Analytics Cloud Computing Center

Summary of computational transaction \tabularnewline
Raw Input view raw input (R code)  \tabularnewline
Raw Outputview raw output of R engine  \tabularnewline
Computing time0 seconds \tabularnewline
R ServerBig Analytics Cloud Computing Center \tabularnewline

Summary of computational transaction[/C][/ROW] [ROW]Raw Input[/C] view raw input (R code) [/C][/ROW] [ROW]Raw Output[/C]view raw output of R engine [/C][/ROW] [ROW]Computing time[/C]0 seconds[/C][/ROW] [ROW]R Server[/C]Big Analytics Cloud Computing Center[/C][/ROW] [/TABLE] Source:

Globally Unique Identifier (entire table):

As an alternative you can also use a QR Code:  

The GUIDs for individual cells are displayed in the table below:

Summary of computational transaction
Raw Input view raw input (R code)
Raw Outputview raw output of R engine
Computing time0 seconds
R ServerBig Analytics Cloud Computing Center

Cronbach Alpha and Related Statistics
ItemsCronbach AlphaStd. AlphaG6(smc)Average R
All itmes0.13960.10180.11850.0276
1 excluded-0.0572-0.118-0.0336-0.0365
2 excluded-0.0706-0.0982-0.0212-0.0307
3 excluded0.19770.18960.14070.0723
4 excluded0.26290.26050.1920.1051

Cronbach Alpha and Related Statistics \tabularnewline
Items & Cronbach Alpha & Std. Alpha & G6(smc) & Average R \tabularnewline
All itmes & 0.1396 & 0.1018 & 0.1185 & 0.0276 \tabularnewline
1 excluded & -0.0572 & -0.118 & -0.0336 & -0.0365 \tabularnewline
2 excluded & -0.0706 & -0.0982 & -0.0212 & -0.0307 \tabularnewline
3 excluded & 0.1977 & 0.1896 & 0.1407 & 0.0723 \tabularnewline
4 excluded & 0.2629 & 0.2605 & 0.192 & 0.1051 \tabularnewline

[ROW][C]Cronbach Alpha and Related Statistics[/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]Items[/C][C]Cronbach Alpha[/C][C]Std. Alpha[/C][C]G6(smc)[/C][C]Average R[/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]All itmes[/C][C]0.1396[/C][C]0.1018[/C][C]0.1185[/C][C]0.0276[/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]1 excluded[/C][C]-0.0572[/C][C]-0.118[/C][C]-0.0336[/C][C]-0.0365[/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]2 excluded[/C][C]-0.0706[/C][C]-0.0982[/C][C]-0.0212[/C][C]-0.0307[/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]3 excluded[/C][C]0.1977[/C][C]0.1896[/C][C]0.1407[/C][C]0.0723[/C][/ROW]
[ROW][C]4 excluded[/C][C]0.2629[/C][C]0.2605[/C][C]0.192[/C][C]0.1051[/C][/ROW]

Globally Unique Identifier (entire table):

As an alternative you can also use a QR Code:  

The GUIDs for individual cells are displayed in the table below:

Cronbach Alpha and Related Statistics
ItemsCronbach AlphaStd. AlphaG6(smc)Average R
All itmes0.13960.10180.11850.0276
1 excluded-0.0572-0.118-0.0336-0.0365
2 excluded-0.0706-0.0982-0.0212-0.0307
3 excluded0.19770.18960.14070.0723
4 excluded0.26290.26050.1920.1051

Parameters (Session):
par1 = FALSE ;
Parameters (R input):
par1 = FALSE ;
R code (references can be found in the software module):
par1 <- 'FALSE'
par1b <- T
if(par1=='FALSE') par1b <- F
z <- t(y)
(r <- alpha(z,check.keys=par1b))
a<-table.element(a,'Cronbach Alpha and Related Statistics',5,TRUE)
a<-table.element(a,'Cronbach Alpha',1,TRUE)
a<-table.element(a,'Std. Alpha',1,TRUE)
a<-table.element(a,'Average R',1,TRUE)
a<-table.element(a,'All itmes',header=TRUE)
n = length(z[1,])
for (i in 1:n) {
a<-table.element(a,paste(colnames(z)[i],' excluded',sep=''),header=TRUE)