Stem-and-leaf Plot
> stem(x, par1, par2, par3)
  The decimal point is 2 digit(s) to the right of the |
   0 | 013446666779901344445667778888999999
   2 | 00000001111111122222222333344444444455555666666667778899901111223556
   4 | 000012344445816
   6 | 01556906
   8 | 5
  10 | 3
  12 | 1
  14 | 
  16 | 
  18 | 
  20 | 
  22 | 
  24 | 
  26 | 6
  28 | 
  30 | 
  32 | 
  34 | 
  36 | 
  38 | 
  40 | 
  42 | 0

Stem-and-leaf Plot
> summary(x)
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
   4.813  193.000  241.200  333.300  361.800 4202.000