Stem-and-leaf Plot
> stem(x, par1, par2, par3)
  The decimal point is 4 digit(s) to the right of the |
   0 | 77589
   2 | 0133481112235788
   4 | 00233467790012233344677999
   6 | 111222334455568901233444456777889
   8 | 0011112244455566677790012223357888999
  10 | 0001112223344456882366999
  12 | 0012334568112233334555666
  14 | 0002345689911122334688
  16 | 355678902334456789
  18 | 0222233358835679
  20 | 234567011569
  22 | 11244556912235677
  24 | 13344501469
  26 | 15602268
  28 | 64
  30 | 0117
  32 | 55589
  34 | 24612
  36 | 2
  38 | 6