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R Software Module: rwasp_hierarchicalclustering.wasp (opens new window with default values)
Title produced by software: Hierarchical Clustering
Date of computation: Wed, 05 Nov 2008 07:57:11 -0700
Cite this page as follows:
Statistical Computations at FreeStatistics.org, Office for Research Development and Education, URL http://www.freestatistics.org/blog/date/2008/Nov/05/t1225897151076wbcs8yve86po.htm/, Retrieved Wed, 05 Nov 2008 14:59:14 +0000
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    author = {{YOUR NAME}},
    publisher = {Office for Research Development and Education},
    title = {Statistical Computations at FreeStatistics.org, URL http://www.freestatistics.org/blog/date/2008/Nov/05/t1225897151076wbcs8yve86po.htm/},
    year = {2008},
    title = {R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing},
    author = {{R Development Core Team}},
    organization = {R Foundation for Statistical Computing},
    address = {Vienna, Austria},
    year = {2008},
    note = {{ISBN} 3-900051-07-0},
    url = {http://www.R-project.org},
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100 100.3923915 100.1469782 100.2098364 100.0333368 99.58139317 99.39752752 99.77055523 100.4100072 100.1209892 99.8346969 99.73194308 98.73507379 98.43547688 98.79352302 99.60036697 99.81912681 99.85207285 100.0149717 100.2797274 100.6265776 101.1422532 101.5114142 102.406627 102.4606437 102.0859567 101.9940832 101.5227632 102.4432499 103.4183267 103.6255915 103.2809714 103.9780125 103.5614473 103.4197679 103.9249756 103.8076496 103.0867986 102.5976695 102.7651032 102.604037 102.8773928 102.1741797 101.8458687 101.6623145 101.9063562 102.1328259 102.7144129 103.1725678 102.8857222 102.9393164 103.3310852 103.7529739 104.1061803 104.7656382 104.6198755 105.0019469 105.7440415 105.943346 106.3702433 106.6488737 107.0807262 106.7678311 107.2100093 107.3365011 107.1157028 106.8593784 106.9207067 106.9469724 107.2281119 106.9434167 106.6173439 105.9426599 105.9096294 106.5152012 106.8456317 107.2230793 107.2840665 107.8586282 107.6796042 108.0663273 107.8699207 107.6501918 108.1600089 108.5993711 108.9244395 109.6604091 109.8659127 109.5385803 109.0590287 100 100.3728036 100.2631251 100.367031 100.1846801 99.77715805 99.6404484 100.0144309 100.6711968 100.4984384 100.283058 100.2372748 99.49043439 99.36214414 99.68271512 100.4183042 100.7528364 100.868608 101.0440264 101.3556712 101.5664504 101.9280922 102.3666775 103.0964279 103.2246107 102.9557241 102.7732406 102.3837901 103.1046956 103.8962307 104.1200756 103.7466454 104.3729699 103.9445764 103.7820166 104.1461223 104.0058181 103.3334668 103.0514655 103.0796137 102.8588901 103.0777974 102.5006944 102.2015936 102.1420163 102.2814503 102.4274338 102.8174718 103.2182252 102.950381 103.1365657 103.4482345 103.6809205 103.9785047 104.4920792 104.3850052 104.7607192 105.5052723 105.7729705 106.1815606 106.4416895 106.7381355 106.5106808 106.973578 107.1498448 106.9277366 106.726053 106.7830327 106.7517596 106.9601497 106.8003646 106.507976 105.9656565 105.9512345 106.4470914 106.6255458 106.9873891 107.0941481 107.5731776 107.4594563 107.815257 107.6578565 107.4982245 107.8930918 108.2374694 108.569179 109.2191526 109.4038454 109.0992088 108.7189329 100 100.3532156 100.379272 100.5242257 100.3360234 99.97292293 99.88336928 100.2583066 100.9323864 100.8758876 100.7314192 100.7426066 100.245795 100.2888114 100.5719072 101.2362414 101.6865461 101.8851432 102.0730811 102.431615 102.5063233 102.7139311 103.2219408 103.7862288 103.9885777 103.8254915 103.552398 103.244817 103.7661413 104.3741347 104.6145597 104.2123194 104.7679272 104.3277056 104.1442653 104.367269 104.2039865 103.580135 103.5052616 103.3941242 103.1137432 103.278202 102.8272091 102.5573185 102.621718 102.6565444 102.7220417 102.9205307 103.2638825 103.0150398 103.333815 103.5653838 103.6088671 103.8508291 104.2185202 104.150135 104.5194915 105.2665031 105.6025951 105.9928778 106.2345053 106.3955447 106.2535305 106.7371466 106.9631885 106.7397703 106.5927277 106.6453586 106.5565469 106.6921875 106.6573125 106.3986082 105.988653 105.9928396 106.3789817 106.4054599 106.751699 106.9042298 107.287727 107.2393084 107.5641867 107.4457922 107.3462572 107.6261746 107.8755676 108.2139185 108.7778961 108.9417781 108.6598373 108.3788371 100 100.3336277 100.4954189 100.6814203 100.4873667 100.1686878 100.1262902 100.5021823 101.1935759 101.2533368 101.1797803 101.2479383 101.0011556 101.2154787 101.4610993 102.0541787 102.6202557 102.9016783 103.1021357 103.5075589 103.4461962 103.4997701 104.077204 104.4760297 104.7525446 104.6952589 104.3315554 104.1058439 104.4275869 104.8520387 105.1090438 104.6779933 105.1628846 104.7108347 104.506514 104.5884158 104.4021549 103.8268032 103.9590576 103.7086347 103.3685963 103.4786067 103.1537237 102.9130434 103.1014198 103.0316385 103.0166496 103.0235896 103.3095399 103.0796985 103.5310643 103.6825332 103.5368137 103.7231535 103.9449612 103.9152647 104.2782638 105.0277339 105.4322196 105.8041951 106.0273211 106.052954 105.9963802 106.5007153 106.7765322 106.5518041 106.4594024 106.5076846 106.3613342 106.4242253 106.5142604 106.2892403 106.0116495 106.0344447 106.3108719 106.185374 106.5160088 106.7143115 107.0022764 107.0191605 107.3131164 107.2337279 107.1942898 107.3592575 107.5136658 107.8586579 108.3366397 108.4797108 108.2204658 108.0387413 100 100.3140397 100.6115658 100.838615 100.6387101 100.3644527 100.369211 100.746058 101.4547655 101.630786 101.6281415 101.75327 101.7565162 102.1421459 102.3502914 102.8721159 103.5539653 103.9182135 104.1311904 104.5835027 104.386069 104.2856091 104.9324673 105.1658306 105.5165116 105.5650263 105.1107128 104.9668708 105.0890326 105.3299427 105.6035279 105.1436673 105.557842 105.0939638 104.8687628 104.8095625 104.6003233 104.0734714 104.4128536 104.0231452 103.6234494 103.6790113 103.4802384 103.2687684 103.5811216 103.4067327 103.3112576 103.1266485 103.3551972 103.1443573 103.7283136 103.7996825 103.4647603 103.5954779 103.6714023 103.6803944 104.037036 104.7889647 105.2618442 105.6155124 105.8201369 105.7103633 105.73923 106.2642839 106.5898759 106.3638378 106.326077 106.3700106 106.1661214 106.1562631 106.3712083 106.1798724 106.0346461 106.0760499 106.2427621 105.9652881 106.2803186 106.5243931 106.7168258 106.7990127 107.0620461 107.0216636 107.0423225 107.0923404 107.1517641 107.5033974 107.8953832 108.0176435 107.7810944 107.6986454
Output produced by software:

Enter (or paste) a matrix (table) containing all data (time) series. Every column represents a different variable and must be delimited by a space or Tab. Every row represents a period in time (or category) and must be delimited by hard returns. The easiest way to enter data is to copy and paste a block of spreadsheet cells. Please, do not use commas or spaces to seperate groups of digits!

Summary of computational transaction
Raw Inputview raw input (R code)
Raw Outputview raw output of R engine
Computing time1 seconds
R Server'Gwilym Jenkins' @

Summary of Dendrogram
Charts produced by software: (open in new window) (open in new window) (open in new window) (open in new window)

Parameters (Session):
par1 = ward ; par2 = ALL ; par3 = FALSE ; par4 = FALSE ;
Parameters (R input):
par1 = ward ; par2 = ALL ; par3 = FALSE ; par4 = FALSE ;
R code (references can be found in the software module):
par3 <- as.logical(par3)
par4 <- as.logical(par4)
if (par3 == 'TRUE'){
dum = xlab
xlab = ylab
ylab = dum
x <- t(y)
hc <- hclust(dist(x),method=par1)
d <- as.dendrogram(hc)
mysub <- paste('Method: ',par1)
if (par4 == 'TRUE'){
plot(d,main=main,ylab=ylab,xlab=xlab,horiz=par3, nodePar=list(pch = c(1,NA), cex=0.8, lab.cex = 0.8),type='t',center=T, sub=mysub)
} else {
plot(d,main=main,ylab=ylab,xlab=xlab,horiz=par3, nodePar=list(pch = c(1,NA), cex=0.8, lab.cex = 0.8), sub=mysub)
if (par2 != 'ALL'){
if (par3 == 'TRUE'){
ylab = 'cluster'
} else {
xlab = 'cluster'
par2 <- as.numeric(par2)
memb <- cutree(hc, k = par2)
cent <- NULL
for(k in 1:par2){
cent <- rbind(cent, colMeans(x[memb == k, , drop = FALSE]))
hc1 <- hclust(dist(cent),method=par1, members = table(memb))
de <- as.dendrogram(hc1)
if (par4 == 'TRUE'){
plot(de,main=main,ylab=ylab,xlab=xlab,horiz=par3, nodePar=list(pch = c(1,NA), cex=0.8, lab.cex = 0.8),type='t',center=T, sub=mysub)
} else {
plot(de,main=main,ylab=ylab,xlab=xlab,horiz=par3, nodePar=list(pch = c(1,NA), cex=0.8, lab.cex = 0.8), sub=mysub)
a<-table.element(a,'Summary of Dendrogram',2,TRUE)
num <- length(x[,1])-1
for (i in 1:num)
if (par2 != 'ALL'){
a<-table.element(a,'Summary of Cut Dendrogram',2,TRUE)
num <- par2-1
for (i in 1:num)


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